DentaCrafters PLLC Blog

Don’t Skimp on Your Smile: The Dangers of Discount Dental Implants

January 26, 2024

A dentist showing a patient how dental implants work

As you might know, dental implants are often called the “Ultimate Tooth Replacements.” They look and work better than the other restorative options! That said, these unique posts usually cost a lot of money. It’s to the point that many consider bargain implants instead. If you want to avoid health risks, though, you shouldn’t try the latter kind. Your Falls Church dentist will gladly explain the details. To that end, here are four big dangers of discount dental implants.


Time Well Spent: How Long Dental Implant Surgery Takes

January 18, 2024

A dentist explaining dental implant surgery to a patient

If you want dental implants, you’re likely eager for treatment. That’s only natural – finishing the latter leads to a restored smile! So, there’s a good chance you’re also pondering a big issue: “How long does dental implant surgery take?” By addressing this concern, you can better prepare for the implants. Luckily, your Falls Church dentist can answer your question. Here’s a primer on the dental implant process, how long it takes, and how best to recover from it.


4 Questions to Ask at Your Dental Implant Consultation

January 3, 2024

patient at dental implant consultation

If you’re missing teeth and considering dental implants to fill in the gaps in your smile, it’s crucial to ask the right questions during your consultation. This will allow you to gather all the information you need to make the correct decision for your smile and your oral health down the line. Continue reading to learn about four key questions that you should ask your dentist during your dental implant consultation.


4 Bad Oral Habits to Avoid With Dental Implants

December 14, 2023

A senior woman pointing at her new dental implants

As you might know, dental implants are pretty durable. They’re tough enough to chew food, resist stains, and more. If you’re not careful, though, they might fail and need replacement. Luckily, you can help implants avoid that outcome with good practices. In fact, your Falls Church dentist will outline a few you should quit. So, here are four bad habits to avoid with dental implants.
